Is the Clear Search History on Chrome Permanent?

First of all, it is important to determine the difference between search history and browsing history. Those two terms, while somewhat similar, are actually entirely unalike. Browsing history contains the records of past web pages or websites you have visited. Clearing your browsing history is easy — all you need to do is go to Google Chrome’s menu and settings. However, search history is a different matter. Search history is the history of all your Google searches. That means if you typed in embarrassing things like “how to get rid of bad breath,” Google will store it even if you did not click on a website or page to go visit it. The next time you use Google search using the same attached account, “how to get rid of bad breath” will come up as a suggestion. It can also appear as a suggestion even if you use a different computer. It will continue to come up as long as you use the same Google account. One question that gets asked all the time is whether or not the erase search history function is a permanent act. The simple answer to this is yes. Once you clear Chrome search history, anything that you searched for will be permanently deleted. That means “how to get rid of bad breath” will no longer come up on your search suggestions.  

How to Pause Web & App Activity on Chrome

Of course, you must remember that if you search for the same thing a second time, Google Chrome will store that information again. It is an endless cycle, but not one without a solution. Keep in mind, though, that this solution is not totally foolproof. Although pausing web & app activity limits what Google saves, it might still store search data. If you want Chrome to pause web & app activity, perform the following steps on a computer:  

Reasons You Are Clearing Your Search And Browsing History

Saved searches are not always a hindrance. They can sometimes help you make your searching and browsing activity easier by suggesting previous searches and tailoring your results according to your studied preferences. So, you might wonder why there is even a need to clear search history on Chrome. You may even ask why should people bother. However, there are many cases against saving your search and browsing history. If you are still on the fence about whether or not to clear your search and browsing history on your Google Chrome, here are some reasons that may convince you:  

To Erase Personal Information and Passwords

Believe it or not, Google Chrome actually stores and saves personal data and even passwords. Although this is particularly helpful if you often forget your passwords, not a lot of people can say they are comfortable with this type of activity. It is especially necessary to clear your search and browsing history if you have just used someone else’s device. Perhaps you borrowed a friend’s laptop or used a computer at your local public library. If the Chrome browser on that device saves data, then you must take steps to erase them. This way, when other people use the same device, you can feel safe knowing your information is not on there.  

To Improve Browser Performance

While the primary function of saved searches and stored browsing histories is to enhance and personalize your experience, these things can also cause problems down the line. Over time, your Google Chrome browser will start to experience issues when you log in or pull up websites. Cache and cookies can show you outdated versions of a web page, for instance, because your browser keeps remembering previous versions instead of loading new ones. In order to improve your overall browser performance, you must clear search history on Chrome. In doing so, you can also look forward to faster operations and more accurate results.  

You Value Privacy and Security

Another reason to clear your search and browsing history is due to privacy and security concerns. If you simply value these things, then it is recommended to erase your search history. Remember that Google Chrome stores all sorts of data, including your passwords, credit card information, and other personal data. It does this primarily out of convenience so that you no longer need to enter the same passwords when signing into your accounts. The same applies to your credit card information when you are checking out of an online retailer. However, not everyone is comfortable with this kind of service.  If this activity already makes you feel uneasy, then there is a good chance you place importance on your privacy and security. Hence, you must clear search history on Chrome as well as browsing history.  

To Avoid Potentially Embarrassing Moments

Your search and browsing history is a window into your personal or private life. You use Google to look for answers for virtually anything that is bothering you — from how to pop a pesky zit to how to make your crush like you back.  Your Google search and browsing history is a look into your daily habits. But no matter how mundane your day-to-day searches may be, you still want to protect them. This is to avoid potentially embarrassing moments when other people stumble upon your search or browsing history. This especially applies to when you use someone else’s device.  However, that does not mean you are safe if you use your own device to search. If someone else borrows your device or if you sign in to your account using someone else’s device, other people can also view your history.  

How to Clear Your Browsing History on Google Chrome

The steps for clearing your search history and browsing history are pretty simple and easy to follow. All you need to do is tailor the steps according to the device you are using. Here is how to clear search history on Chrome (as well as browsing history) on your computer (Windows or macOS) or mobile device (Android and iOS).  

Windows 10 and MacOS

The instructions for deleting search and browsing history for Windows and macOS computers remain relatively the same.  Here is how to delete a single search history on Chrome:   Here is how to delete all your search history on Chrome:   Here is how to delete browsing history on Chrome:  


If you have a mobile device that runs on Android, you can also clear search history on Chrome. Here is how to delete a single search history on Chrome:   Here is how to delete all your search history on Chrome:   Here is how to delete browsing history on Chrome:  


If you have a mobile device that runs on iOS, you can also clear search history on Chrome. Here is how to delete a single search history item on Chrome:   Here is how to delete all your search history on Chrome:   Here is how to delete browsing history on Chrome:  

A Function You Decide

It is not always a good idea to clear search history on Chrome. For instance, you will benefit from its saved searches function if you like receiving suggested past searches. However, if you, like many others in the world, would rather protect your searches and personal information, then it is best to erase your search and browsing history. It may even be better to set up automatic deletion to keep you feeling safe.

How to Clear Search History on Chrome Completely - 4How to Clear Search History on Chrome Completely - 83How to Clear Search History on Chrome Completely - 57How to Clear Search History on Chrome Completely - 66How to Clear Search History on Chrome Completely - 71How to Clear Search History on Chrome Completely - 51How to Clear Search History on Chrome Completely - 79How to Clear Search History on Chrome Completely - 59How to Clear Search History on Chrome Completely - 13How to Clear Search History on Chrome Completely - 30