Many health podcasts are a fruitful support system to their listeners. Some answer fitness’s most pressing questions, while others debunk the industry’s biggest myths. Shape your mind, body, and spirit with these top picks.    

What Are Health Podcasts?


Podcasts are recorded audio files available on the internet. They are released per episode, with each one (usually) following a familiar format. These shows can be produced by big production companies or by independent creators. The beauty of podcasting is that anyone can do it. One only needs a mic, a topic to talk about, and editing software, which is optional for those starting. Think of podcasting as a pre-recorded radio show with a release schedule, all available on the internet. Health is only one of the genres of the trade, as it also has the best science podcasts, true crime podcasts, and even YouTube podcasts.  

Topics of Health Podcasts

Health, as a word, encompasses many topics. Mental well-being is different from one’s physical well-being, for example. One’s emotional stability is different from these two as well. Because of this, there is a wide range of health podcasts. And, with everybody’s fitness goals being different, this is a win. Whether you have only recently started listening to health podcasts or have been listening to them for several years, they will never lose their sheen. Most of them target specific aspects of your well-being, but others try to cover them all.  

Fitness Podcasts

When one thinks of health podcasts, they might first picture coaches and athletes spewing motivational quotes and training advice. These are health podcasts under the fitness category. Most of the time, this category overlaps with nutrition podcasts, because a balance of both keeps one’s body in tip-top shape.  

Wellness Podcasts

However, there are many other sides to health podcasting. Some are purely motivational, transforming one’s mindset. Others are more concerned with wellness—targeted for people who want a more rounded health journey. This category focuses on matters of the mind, and how this may affect your lifestyle, relationships, and physicality. There are also health podcasts that dabble in the realm of science communication. These are less directed at your personal (physical) goals and are more focused on your education. Imagine health podcasts that have fun facts per episode and those that dive deep into specific health histories. Health is not a monolith. It is one’s overall disposition. Thus, “fitness goals” are not only shaped by the food you eat or the exercises you do but also how your mind deals with it all.  

25 Health Podcasts for Achieving Your Fitness Goals

1. Stuff Mom Never Told You

Women’s health has been somewhat of a societal taboo for a while. A lot of women’s illnesses go undetected or are underresearched. Despite this, women consume many health products per year, most of which concern pregnancy, cancer, and even STDs. Most of these are not communicated well enough in schools. This is where health podcasts come in—specifically Stuff Mom Never Told You, a research-based podcast led by women. Join hosts Anney and Samantha as they discuss anything and everything about women’s health. From their physical (taking fertility pills) to their psychological (feminism) concerns, learn more about the life of women. Informative episodes discuss the history of bikinis, women’s boxing, and dealing with loss. Listen to Stuff Mom Never Told You  

2. The Nutrition Diva’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous

Some people have difficulty finding the time to listen to health podcasts. If you are a member of this group, The Nutrition Diva’s podcast may be for you. With each episode running for only 10 minutes, The Nutrition Diva’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous podcast is a treat for the ear. All episodes are packed with educational content and witty commentary. Hosted by nutritionist Monica Reinagel, The Nutrition Diva’s podcast dives into the latest health trends and the most common health concerns. With an MS in human nutrition, Reinagel is the perfect companion to discuss these issues with. The podcast has dived into the different types of rice (and their health benefits), the benefits of walking and foraging, and the nutritional value of mushroom coffee. As expected, she also has tips for people who want to undergo a lifestyle change. Listen to The Nutrition Diva’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous

3. Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger

A podcast similar to The Nutrition Diva’s is Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger. Not all health podcasts have bite-sized episodes, so these two are some of the best choices for people who want to get straight to the point. Episodes of Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger run for 15 minutes. In each episode, Dr. Greger discusses nutrition facts that go under everyone’s radar. These can be natural remedies to medical issues, or what a real “balanced” diet looks like. The topics will vary, but all of Dr. Greger’s discussions root in evidence and research. Some listeners even compare him to fun high school science teachers, which is a testament to his hosting style. Compared to The Nutrition Diva’s podcast, Nutrition Facts focuses more on debunking myths in the field of nutrition. Dr. Greger uses his expertise in educating his listeners, adding years to their wisdom and perspective. Listen to Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger  

4. The Doctor’s Kitchen

  Health podcasts also overlap with food-related content. The Doctor’s Kitchen is an example of this, shedding a light on the health benefits of eating smart (and right!). Host Dr. Rupy Aujla guides listeners into looking at food differently. It is more than just sustenance or a luxury; food can change the course of your life. As a general practitioner and cookbook author, Dr. Aujla has access to expertise that is not biased towards a particular brand or product. He shares the medicinal properties of food—hoping to prevent his listeners from acquiring nutrition-induced diseases. With over 143 episodes and counting, The Doctor’s Kitchen is one of the most successful health podcasts today. Dr. Aujla has also branched out to discussing one’s overall well-being, and where food comes into the mix. Listen to The Doctor’s Kitchen

5. Elevated with Mara

Losing weight is easier said than done, which is why many quit on coaches that have been health buffs their whole lives. There is a communication barrier there somewhere, and it is easiest to go through an extreme weight loss journey with someone who gets it. If you need some fitness inspiration (fitspo), Elevated by Mara is one of the best health podcasts for you. Hosted by Mara Schiavocampo, this podcast tells no lies when it comes to the hardships of losing body fat. Schiavocampo has lived it: an Emmy-Award-winning journalist and TV personality, she added “changed her lifestyle” to her list of achievements. Listening to the podcast will reveal how Schiavocampo’s weight loss coincided with taking care of her mind, body, and soul. She advocates for full well-being, arguing that her 90-pound weight is but a footnote to the journey she has been on. If you need someone to nudge you into the right (and safe) direction of weight loss, Elevated with Mara is the health podcast for you. She has struggled with her weight her whole life and is empathetic to those who’ve experienced something similar. Beyond emotional support, Schiavocampo also invites field experts on this podcast. By doing this, she gives a more nuanced take on her weight loss experience without stripping it of its symbolism. Listen to Elevated with Mara

6. Well Far

The Women’s Health magazine has a massive influence in the world of fitness. If you are one of its loyal followers, Well Far is one of the best health podcasts for you. Focused on the sport of running, Well Far is hosted by Amy Hopkinson, Women’s Health’s digital editor and a passionate runner. In each episode of the series, she dishes out running tips, warm-ups, and exercises. Hopkinson knows that running is both a physical and mental sport, evidenced by its informative episodes such as making a habit out of running and boosting a runner’s confidence. Motivation can only take you so far, and Hopkinson (along with her guests) brings scientific expertise to your routines. What drives the Well Far podcast is passion, purpose, and endurance. Those who are serious or want to get serious about running will benefit from this health podcast. Listen to Well Far  

7. Nutrition Matters

Nutrition Matters is a health podcast hosted by nutritionist and dietitian Paige Smathers. In it, she creates a positive dialogue around food and food intake. This is an effort to help those struggling with nutritional practices, disordered eating, and other personal food-related concerns. Nutrition Matters is one of the health podcasts that debunk well-known nutrition “facts.” It also reminds people that a healthy lifestyle does not have to be a sad one—that a journey towards health does not only mean physical. Nutrition should be balanced, affordable, and empowering. Joining Smathers is a variety of other experts in the field of nutrition. Together, they dish out advice, thoughts, and perspective to their listeners. This health podcast also provides an empathetic ear, as Smathers invites eating disorder survivors to remind their listeners that they are not alone. Listen to Nutrition Matters  

8. Food Psych: Intuitive Eating at Every Size by Christy Harrison

On the topic of changing one’s relationship with food, Food Psych: Intuitive Eating at Every Size by Christy Harrison is a modern cultural movement. It is born out of the idea that health can look different to many people, so judging health by one’s weight is not always the best way to go. Hosted by Christy Harrison, Food Psych is unafraid to dive deep into food-related issues. Episodes cover a wide range of topics—from nutrition to eating disorders to body image. Moreover, as the title suggests, Harrison promotes “intuitive eating,” an action that combats diet culture. It is an eating habit that focuses on listening to one’s body: when it is hungry, satiated, or something in between. By doing this, one can get rid of calorie counting, intermittent fasting, and other diet culture practices. Food Psych is size-inclusive, which makes it a refreshing listen to those who just want a healthier lifestyle without destroying their overall wellness. Compared to other health podcasts, Food Psych may be more radical about its approach. It is certainly a different take on healthy living, but this is what makes it special. Listen to Harrison and celebrate your body with respect and gratitude—no matter what state it is in. Listen to Food Psych: Intuitive Eating at Every Size by Christy Harrison

9. The Ultimate Health Podcast

As revealed by this article, many health podcasts care about the overall well-being of their listeners. While there are genres to health podcasting, most of them overlap, which is the case for The Ultimate Health Podcast. Join hosts Dr. Jesse Chappus and his wife, Marni Wasserman, as they discuss nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle. They know that one will struggle without the others, and only by balancing them can one achieve true fitness. In some episodes, Dr. Chappus and Wasserman discuss their own experiences with healthy living. They investigate what the term “healthy” really means by seeking out its definition in other corners of the world. Together, they also dish out expert advice on natural health remedies. These can include meditation, changing sleeping habits, and more. They occasionally have guests. An example of this is Alyson Stoner, a former child star turned successful musician and voice actress. Her discussions on The Ultimate Health Podcast include the various pressures of the entertainment industry, food restriction, and the minimalist lifestyle. Listen to The Ultimate Health Podcast  

10. All About Fitness

If you’re keen on learning more about sports science, All About Fitness is one of the health podcasts you will enjoy. These free episodes evaluate modern fitness programs and trends, weigh in on their effectiveness, and give expert conclusions. All About Fitness’s host is Pete McCall, who is an expert in the field of fitness. He works as a personal trainer, a content creator for the American Council on Exercise, and is now a podcaster. He is your go-to guy for sports medicine, making All About Fitness a great listen for those looking to make smarter workout decisions (not all exercises are made equal). McCall invites other experts and researchers to pull the curtain behind sports as a business and science. Together, they promote evidence-based solutions to everyone’s fitness woes—particularly those looking to slow down their aging. If you want to skip the talk and get straight to the action, All About Fitness also has “Quick Fit Tips.” These are 15-minute ear biscuits that deliver expert advice without cutting corners. Listen to All About Fitness  

11. The Food Programme

Fitness and nutrition go hand-in-hand, but that does not mean that you should live on chicken breasts and leafy greens alone. A healthy lifestyle is a balanced one, and indulging in your favorite “bad” food is okay as long as you know its myths and reality. This is where health podcasts like The Food Programme come in. A treat for the fitness foodies, this podcast runs down the food we eat—from MSG to lab-grown beef, all the way to their carbon footprint. Produced by BBC Radio 4, The Food Programme is only 30 minutes long. Its discussions are straight to the point. Its information? Packed but digestible. All the food we eat has its own science, culture, and mystery. In making smarter decisions, information is key. Listen to The Food Programme and treat yourself to the knowledge that will last you a lifetime. Listen to The Food Programme

12. The Fat-Burning Man Show

Another health podcast like The Food Programme is The Fat-Burning Man Show. Like other health podcasts on this list, this podcast promotes balanced and healthy eating. However, it does have its own catch: it discusses the possibility of eating tasty food while maintaining a weight-loss journey. The Fat-Burning Man Show also goes into the science of weight loss and argues that you do not have to be a gym rat to achieve it. The main goal of this podcast is to promote clean eating, which is somewhat of a diet industry secret that they do not want you to know. Through advertising, you are picked on by many diet products and the diet culture. The Fat-Burning Man Show cuts through all the noise and guides you through a smart weight loss journey that doesn’t require you to drop your life. Listen to The Fat-Burning Man Show  

13. The Model Health Show

Actually, many health podcasts want to debunk the well-believed myths of fitness and nutrition. Shawn Stevenson’s The Model Health Show is an example of this. Focusing on one’s overall health means keeping your body in tip-top shape but also keeping your mind in good condition. Eating food that makes you happy can contribute to your mental well-being, but most fitness ‘tips’ aim to deprive you of them. Stevenson combats chronic pain daily. His experiences give him a different perspective on health—one that listeners will benefit from. Drop weight, gain muscle, but also keep your mindset afloat by listening to The Model Health Show. Listen to The Model Health Show

14. Run, Selfie, Repeat

Kelly Roberts is an online content creator that runs a women-focused running program. In Run, Selfie, Repeat, she shares her running know-how and philosophies. Unlike many health podcasts, Run, Selfie, Repeat promotes running as a self-love booster. Roberts makes for an encouraging figure, and listening to this podcast can boost any runner’s (old or new) confidence. Body positivity has been the name of the fitness game for a while now, but many still struggle with including this in their day-to-day lives. In Run, Selfie, Repeat, Roberts gives the body-positive motivation you need. Prepare for pep talks, quotes, and insight. Roberts is the girlfriend you need to reach your fitness goals, no matter what they may be. Listen to Run, Selfie, Repeat  

15. The Hilarious World of Depression

Mental health is often overlooked in the world of fitness. Health podcasts tend to focus on the physical and nutrition routes, isolating those that need to create a healthy environment for their minds. The Hilarious World of Depression addresses exactly this—it creates a thoughtful but informative discussion around this large global taboo. Hear from comedians who struggle with depression themselves: Paul F. Tompkins, Andy Jen Kirkman, Maria Bamford, and more. Hosted by John Moe, The Hilarious World of Depression does not downplay nor celebrate the deadly disease. While it’s not a substitute for proper treatment and therapy, it creates a safe and loving atmosphere for people who deal with depression. In the same light, it is a platform to learn more about the disease. As a sickness that manifests in different ways, Moe and his guests represent the many faces of depression. What is best about health podcasts such as these is that it is as insightful as it is humorous. Depression is a serious issue, but this podcast humanizes it, cementing how it affects even the funniest of us. Listen to The Hilarious World of Depression  

16. Marathon Training Academy

Training for any physical competition takes time, effort, and expertise. Marathoning is no exception, demanding most of its runners a sound mind and a sturdy body. If you ever plan to run a marathon, the Marathon Training Academy is one of the best health podcasts for you. Hosted by Angie Spencer, the Marathon Training Academy trains your body and mind to its healthiest state, preparing you for an extremely taxing physical activity. It shares the experiences of fellow marathoners and dishes out advice that can come in handy when you’ll need it. For a brief background, Spencer is a marathoner herself. She balances this with her two other lives as a coach and a registered nurse. Combining these fields of expertise brings listeners smart and practical marathon advice. A special episode of this podcast includes a conversation with NYC Marathon finisher Jonathan de Sola Mendes. He was 96 years old when he ran this marathon and is 100 years old by the time of recording. Listen to Marathon Training Academy  

17. No Meat Athlete

Plant-based eating is rarely connected to a muscled fit life. While many may think that you have to choose one or the other (arguing that meat is the only way to gain muscle), the No Meat Athlete reveals the opposite. Join runner and vegetarian Matt Frazier as he discusses the gray area of plant-based nutrition and fitness. As an athlete himself, he wants to share the insights he has gained from his vegetarian lifestyle. The No Meat Athlete podcast debunks the “meat makes an athlete” belief. Frazier does this by interviewing fitness experts, diving into the science of weight loss, vegan/vegetarian nutrition, and exercise. There are not many “no meat” health podcasts. Not a lot of athletes have a plant-based lifestyle, but Frazier is a voice for the small fraction that do. In one of the episodes, he discusses the future of the vegan movement, predicting the changes we can expect from the lifestyle in the next few years. Listen to No Meat Athlete  

18. Biceps & Banter with Laura Hoggins

One of the health podcasts that cover physical and mental dispositions is Biceps & Banter with Laura Hoggins. In this show, Hoggins celebrates the lessons one can learn from a fit lifestyle—those of motivation, confidence, and resting when you need to. Hoggins is a physical therapist, giving her well-rounded insight into the overlap of physical and mental health. In Biceps and Banter, Hoggins inspires and reassures. She shares stories of those who overcome their physical circumstances, achieving what was once impossible. In some episodes, Hoggins also talks about the misconceptions about health and wellness. She matches these scientific discussions with real-life examples, mostly from her experience as a physical therapist. Listen to Biceps & Banter with Laura Hoggins  

19. Chasing Excellence

Wellness is more than what you do in the gym. It is about striving for excellence, both within the realm of fitness and nutrition. When you do these properly, and with the right guidance, you can become your best self. If this mentality appeals to you, Chasing Excellence is one of the best health podcasts you can listen to. Join triathlete and world-class coach Ben Bergeron as gives his insight on the proper gym and nutritional performance. In this inclusive health podcast, Bergeron talks about life inside and outside the gym; everything he says is digestible, even to fitness newbies. Learn his strategies, and vie for your own personal development. Everyone can lead an excellent life as long as you have the right mindset and team with you. Bergeron has been behind many world-class athletes, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be behind you, too. Listen to Chasing Excellence  

20. Dear Sugars

Its title reads like a nutrition podcast, but Dear Sugars actually discusses mental and spiritual health. As discussed in this article, fitness also means taking time for your mental health. Dear Sugars is that podcast, reminding you that you are not alone. Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond host Dear Sugars. In each episode, they answer a question, any question, that needs an empathetic ear. These ruminations can be about anything—and that’s the kicker of this podcast. Dear Sugars has had many high-profile guests over the years: Oprah, Hillary Clinton, and Charles Duhigg. Listen to Dear Sugars  

21. Bite Back With Roz Purcell

Body-positive health podcasts have had their renaissance in the last few years. Bite Back is ahead of this curve, led by its motivational host: Roz Purcell. As a cookbook author and personal trainer, Purcell has the expertise to guide you towards a healthy but balanced life. Her approach to fitness starts with working on one’s self-love, which is not a common mentality to have. Purcell also helps you navigate a new world—one without putting too much importance on weighing scales. This is another radical point of view in the world of fitness. If you are working on your self-love and body acceptance before anything else, Bite Back is a smart listen for you. As a member of the fitness industry, Purcell knows the struggle of self-love all too well. The road has not been easy for her, nor will it be for you, but she nudges you in the right direction. Listen to Bite Back and watch your perspective on nutrition and body image change. In some episodes, she is joined by experts of the field, like Dr. Hazel Wallace, who dishes on the effects of excessive dieting on our bodies. Listen to Bite Back With Roz Purcell

22. Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

Like a few health podcasts on this list, Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth aims to debunk well-known myths of fitness. Unlike the health podcasts on this list, Mind Pump is audacious and (sometimes) brutally honest. However, you are sure to be entertained every step of the way. Join fitness experts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer, and Justin Andrews as they run down the lies of the health industry. They review workout programs, fad diets, and deceptive food supplements. With their history as trainers and fitness competitors, you can rest easy knowing that they have sound advice. Together, they also dish out the right ways to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Mind Pump has no get-quick schemes, which is exactly what the fitness world ought to be. Listen to Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth  

23. The Food Heaven Podcast

Hosted by dietitian-best friends Wendy Lopez and Jessica Jones, The Food Haven Podcast is a show about nutrition. Every week, they share their knowledge on healthy eating and other wellness tips. As certified diabetes educators, Lopez and Jones know nutrition and food all too well. They vie for a balanced lifestyle, one that indulges but is also self-aware. Their conversations can get personal, given their history. In some episodes, they discuss their personal experiences with bad dieting and nutritional practices. An example of this is calorie counting, something they both admitted to doing. Listen to them express why it is a problematic diet and let them guide you into better forms of eating. Lopez and Jones promote a sustainable lifestyle—so if you are not sold on the entire fad dieting monolith, you should look to The Food Haven Podcast. You will find a way out. Listen to The Food Heaven Podcast  

24. The Rich Roll

The second plant-based title in this list of health podcasts is The Rich Roll. Hosted by author Rich Roll, this podcast balances fitness with a vegan lifestyle. Listen to Roll and be empowered by his thinking. In this podcast, he discusses health and fitness topics (multisport training, meditation, athleticism, and more) under the lens of veganism. He also invites experts to hop on the podcast with him, pushing the needle of living one’s authentic life forward. Listen to The Rich Roll  

25. Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Rounding off this list of health podcasts is Happier with Gretchen Rubin. In each episode, Rubin shares the keys to a happy life. This is something she consistently works on and has been relatively successful in doing so. Joining her is her younger sister, Elizabeth Craft. Together, they give tips, tricks, and methods for striving for a happier life. They strategize with you and make this quest for happiness fun. Happier with Gretchen Rubin is one of the health podcasts that make you smile. While others dive deep into fitness “truths and lies,” Happier focuses on your mental well-being. Turn lemons into lemonade, and flip your life around with this podcast. Listen to Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Final Word

Health podcasts can cover a lot of ground when it comes to one’s well-being. If you are looking to work on your physique, Well Far and Marathon Training Academy are sure-fire health podcasts for you. Should you want to improve your nutrition, The Food Programme and Nutrition Matters can help you get there. If you simply want to live a happier and healthier life, working on your mental health is possible with health podcasts too. Health podcasts like The Hilarious World of Depression and Bite Back with Roz Purcell are thoughtful examples of these. Fitness and wellness are not a monolith. What works for one does not always work for the other. The key to listening to health podcasts is knowing what guidance you need, and you will be on your way.

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